Keeping Track of the Numbers
Monterey County - Real Estate Market Statistics
Grant Deeds, YTD 2007, 1903
Notices of Default, YTD 2007, 1301
Foreclosures, YTD 2007, 681
Trustee Deeds, YTD 2007, 583
Grant Deeds, YTD 2006, 3150
Notices of Default, YTD 2006, 424
Foreclosures, YTD 2006, 135
Trustee Deeds, YTD 2006, 58
The numbers above do not paint a pretty picture for real estate in Monterey County in the coming months.
To check out other Statistics for Monterey County, please visit the following web site:
You can search my month or year and then the document will breakdown transactions by either single family residence or condo with the number of transactions and the average or median price.